Ideas In Writing Kids Club Episode 2

Ideas In Writing Kids Club was created as a way to encourage kids to read and write. The young people on the show were chosen to appear because they enjoyed reading and liked to write their own stories. Two shows were produced as a pilot to test the format. It aired on Carroll County local public access TV station. It was filmed at the Carroll County Community Center in Westminster, Maryland in 2008 and at the Staples Arena in Los Angeles, California.

Cast of kids: Andrei Binseel, Breanna Gray, Christopher Nusbaum, Daniel Bedenbaugh, Hassan Syed, Sean Costello

West Coast roving reporters are Bianca and Alyssa Huang

Authors Interviewed were Deborah Noyes, Cornelia Funke, Kate Klimo, PJ Haarsma, and Shayna Yarborough


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