Toms River Kids Club

So, I’ve got this idea, and I’m hoping you can talk it through with me. It’s called the “Toms River Kids Club” and it’s for families with small children in Toms River, New Jersey.

Our goal is to inspire learning through creative discovery. We’re talking hands-on, thought-provoking, and imaginative play. And we’ll add to our community of happy, healthy, self-assured, fun-loving kids.

The Toms River Kids Club will feature interactive exhibits, limitless creativity, a children’s library, and a whole lot more.

If you’re interested, let us know! Visit TomsRiverMom on Facebook or email me at

The Toms River Kids Club is a family idea whose time has finally come. Let’s bring museum-quality fun to Toms River. They’re gonna love it — and so will you!


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