Why Kid Icarus Switch Is a GOOD Idea

Yooo What’s up Ladies and Gents of the Jury! Ace here bringing you all a video on why Kid Icarus on the Switch is a GOOD Idea. Kid Icarus Switch just makes sense to me. It was orginally released on the NES, then got rebooted on the 3DS and now we haven’t heard for Pit nor Palutena since.


44 thoughts on “Why Kid Icarus Switch Is a GOOD Idea”

  1. For such a linear structure with little exploration, I love how replayable Uprising is with the huge array of powers, weapons, weapon fusing system, and the fiend's cauldron. But what really won me over was the story, characters and voice acting. This turned Uprising from a game into an EXPERIENCE for me. Cheesy as it can be, I love Pit and Palutena's incredibly deep and believable bond (and how they didn't take the easy way out and make it a romance, rather something much more interesting, akin to a teacher/apprentice mother/child, but with Pit defending Palutena instead of the other way around. It really is an interesting and deep dynamic), Viridi being half friendly and half psychopath, Hades' disregard for life in tandem with his humorously trollish attitude and slew of quotable moments, and even the side characters are a ton of fun, some whom only appear in one chapter. My favorite of these one-offs being Arlon, who is sort of a creative take on the "robot butler" trope (He was never confirmed to be a robot or even a cyborg but I suspect he is due to his circuitboard-esque pattern on his head in addition to his eyes glowing red prior to the fight). See, the characters are so intriguing I just went off on a speculation tangent one a one-off boss character without even realizing it.

    I don't think I can wait 19 years for a sequel. There's just so much charm in the formula Uprising created to let the series stay dormant again.

  2. Okay, this needs to happen! A new kid icarus for switch would do two things: 1. It would without a doubt make kid icarus a more popular series. 2. It would sell well with all ages. Adults and kids alike enjoyed uprising! I think if they had a game with upgraded graphics, a new and longer story, with new likable characters mixed with a few uprising characters, and an updated multiplayer mode, kid icarus for switch would be AMAZING! And i have no doubt it would sell well. Im like 1000%sure it would sell well! There are people out here saying uprising was the best 3ds game TO THIS DAY! I kid u not! People actually have said that and believe it! So why not make a new game? For switch? It would for sure sell well. I hope they hear our pleads and announce it eventually. Hey, maybe they already are working on it? E3 is coming up! Tho sakurai was working on smash 5 so… thats probably gonna be the main event.

  3. Everything about the game was just awesome.(besides controls of course) but the game was phenomenal. I would LOVE to see this game back on the switch. In fact, I think they should make the gameplay different a little bit. Maybe make some changes to the flying gameplay, and make the gameplay on the ground feel like bayonetta or devil may cry.

  4. The Dark Pit convo in SSB4 is just way too suspicious. Like why would Sakurai put that info in there knowing we still have 20 years left. And the fact that Sakurai is using a toy rifle as a reference for his next project just shows something is up. It's speculated that it's gonna be a shooting game involving some mech armor…WHAT OTHER GAME COULD HE BE MAKING THATS FOCUSED ON SHOOTING AND MECHA? BECAUSE IM SURE AS HELL IT AINT A SMASH BROS GAME. MAKE IT HAPPEN SAKURAI!!! BRING PIT BACK

  5. I could work like Splatoon. Where you can use motion control or the sticks depending on your preference. I'd love for there to be a bit more to the game also like having puzzles and platforming elements during the on foot parts and have the flying parts like Star Fox where you have multiple ways to go. I can't see it happening but I can dream.

  6. if there was a sequal on the switch,i whould hope the games story is more serious but at the same time the charecters still were joking arownd,i whould also want to know pits backstory and how he became a member of palutanas army as it feels like pit could be hinding something on the fact he cant fly,mabie he was injured so he cant fly,or even he might have been a member of the underworld before becoming a member of palutanas army,plus in that one level inside of hades body pit says that hades cant eat souls because they will be no more and cant be rencarnated but hades makes a good point in saying rencarnation is basicly the same as dystroying souls as they become different and lose all memorys,which pit cannot make a comeback for it so mabie he might join hades in the switch game.

  7. Kid Icarus on the Switch is the game the series needs and deserves. Although I didn't find the game too uncomfortable to play, the controls could use some work, and I'm desperate to know more about Pit's backstory! The flying segments would look absolutely stunning in the Switch's glorious HD graphics, and bringing back the cast who voiced Uprising for this supposed sequel would be amazing, Antony Del Rio did phenomenally as Pit. I would hate to see this series die!

  8. I like how even at the end of the game the characters joke about not having another game for another 25 years. Which is super sad 'cause it's true… but Icarus is so much fun. Except for the ground controls… those could've been polished a ton. I'd totally welcome a new KI for the Switch… now's the time! It's another experimental console, put on some experimental games! Agreed on the character/story/writing though, it's truly the reason to play that game more than once.

    Btw, can't tell if you have a 3DS capture card but your footage looks great. Looks a bit cropped so I imagine you recorded off-camera? Anyhow, came out lookin' good! I'd love to get that 3DS capture card thing installed but the conversion to USD would kill me lol.


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