What are some protected household actions if the children are unvaccinated?

Solutions to viewers’ questions on COVID-19, well being and vitamin from Dr. Jen Ashton.


22 thoughts on “What are some protected household actions if the children are unvaccinated?”

  1. ANYTHING. The unmasked aren’t dead yet. Kids have a 99.999% survival rate. The death rate is .002% overall. Stop this fear porn you SOBs.

    One blood expert in Germany says a preservative in the AstraZeneca jab, EDTA, when it combines with stray proteins, is directly responsible for causing deadly blood clots.

  2. Have a spare $1? Savin' to get a laptop (homejob). No opportunities outside due to constant lockdowns in our country. 😷 Sorry for this. 😢 I'm not a bad person, just a desperate breadwinner. Lost a lot since 2020.

    Prayers and well-wishes are also very much appreciated. 😇

    Off-topic, I know… I hope you understand the desperation.  I know some people need more help than me and my family but I do hope that does not invalidate my cry for help. 😔 

    Things are getting worse here. We don't have stimulus checks or anything like USA. So I'm just really doing whatever I can to put food on the table.
    We may not be killed by the virus but the situation is surely slowly killing us. 💔 

    Peace be with you. GOD bless. 🙏❤

    And to anyone who's also struggling, let's hold on tight. All will soon be well. 🌹🌹

  3. You know, I participated in a telephone round table discussion with the VA. I asked, and if you're vaccinated you are protected. You don't have to worry. And it says right on the box. This mask does not prevent covoid. Stop the paranoia. And why is America taking advice from a dermatologist or whatever she is?


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