36 thoughts on “5 Enjoyable & Straightforward Summer season Actions For Children”

  1. The only thing that would be great if you don't have to be a good day to be a good time to get a new one is a good day to be a good day to day basis of a new one

  2. The Play Doh one is edible but I personnaly wouldn't reccomend eationg in because the germs on your hands and the surface will get on the Doh then it's basically like eating something thats been on the floor for ten minutes.(Don't eat anything on the floor because no matter how long its been on the floor there will still be germs)

  3. The Big Bubble maker is available in the PHILLIPINES In a park It includes that Bubble Blower and I Big Bottle of Bubble solution and a Paper Bowl It is 100pesos

  4. I am glad you guys aren't one of those youtubers who keep repeating their content( mostly hacks and stuff like that) in their videos! You guys always come up with new ideas! Stay that way forever!


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