We simply received the patch notes for the June update– however now the Sims group has given us a sneak peek at an enormous July 2021 replace coming to Sims 4 without cost simply earlier than the brand new Sims 4 enlargement, Cottage Residing.

The replace will embody group actions and new interactions for gardening and cooking. These new actions will probably be accessible for sims of all ages– toddlers, kids, and teenagers included. We additionally received a sneak peek of a brand new base recreation hair coming to the bottom recreation for the free replace in 2021.

Keep tuned for Sims 4 information, hypothesis, information, critiques, opinions, and extra. I additionally cowl Sims cc and mods on my neighborhood tab, and Paralives, an upcoming indie life simulator.

Hyperlink to Cooking and Gardening Replace: https://simscommunity.information/2021/06/29/the-sims-4-to-add-more-group-family-activities-in-next-update/



  1. These constant updates stay breaking my mods. I will never get used to seeing random sims in nothing but skivvies or bald sims in ball gowns and swimsuits just walking around my neighborhood. 😁

  2. So happy you corrected yourself: never say you are grateful for something you are spending your money on. If it was free then that would be a different story but it's your hard earned money and if you aren't happy about a product you are investing in, by all means complain! We as consumers have those rights yet people keep telling us we should just be happy with what we get…then we wind up with crap.

  3. I'm still playing The Sims 3 😍 I still haven't purchased any packs 😂😂 and I'm not gonna! This game is full of bugs and glitches! Walking through walls talking through walls Standing there like a robot for hours 😂😂

  4. Still so many bugs in the game. I really do wish they'd just take a few months to focus exclusively on fixing the broken parts of what already exists, instead of constantly adding new stuff (including new problems.) Seriously, I still constantly get the bug where a person who invites me somewhere (after an 'emotion' text) just instantly disappears, ending the social event. That needs fixed badly! I never get to do things with NPC sims that invite me places, because they don't stay!

  5. Thanks for your video Erin. I do like the idea behind these update but I also worry that we'll see more glitches. I hope the gurus do have time to stress test this pack and iron out many of the glitches before we see it. BTW I saw the livestream and it was O.K. I think the quality of them has gone down during the TS4 era. Have a great day.

  6. I would have thought children would gain creative skill for cooking since that’s that one tied to inspiration, which is good for cooking. I wonder if they’ll learn the cooking skill when a skill is maxed like they do with some things.

    I like the idea of family cooking, but I’m curious as to what they can cook. I would like to see some baking too. It’d be great for family baking in holidays. And I like family gardening too, especially if you wanna do a family farm sort of storyline. Sims talk to plants too often in my opinion though. I have a mod that makes it so only certain Sims will do it, like if they have the loner trait or a certain level or gardening.

  7. thank you Erin!! I love to watch your videos. I check your channel and watch your news videos in the morning before I go to work, like how some people check the normal news lol. it helps wake me up and remind me that theres things to look forward to. i hope you have a wonderful day as well and take care of yourself <3

  8. I wonder if we can have the guys can go group cook on the grill, and the women group cook in the kitchen? And if someone will end up using the bathroom cabinet to mix the salad?

  9. To be fair, I know many parents wouldn't let kids garden because they'd over water, pluck out non-weeds, or do something else to mess it up unless heavily supervised. Same with cooking. My mom was one for allowing me to observe and sometimes help, but not everyone's parents is like that.

  10. Yeah I got that update this morning. Sims 4 so far his fix my problems. So I'm ready for the new pack. And to have fun. And thank you for the news. No I did not get to see the live event. I was sleeping.

  11. hi erin! always love your channel bc you keep me up to date with all the sims stuff when i can't do it myself (which is like, often…) so wanted to say thanks for that ;u; i know there are other channels that do it but i just love how you explain things and i think you always have really fun speculation and ideas (even though we didnt get fairies rip, but you dont always have to be right! getting it wrong is half the fun too) so i really love your channel for that!

    as for other videos you could do, like i kinda said, i like when you do your opinions or speculation, i wouldn't mind seeing like a 'wishlist' type thing from you, like the ideal updates for you specifically (if you've done that in the past and i missed it i apologize!) , along with maybe some more positive focused videos like your favourite things that are in sims 4, stuff like that ?

    unrelated to the above part but im particularly glad that they add free updates every time they release a pack these days, it feels like they're fixing missing things with the updates and using the excuse (to EA) that "it's for the pack!" so they include it in the trailer and stuff because it IS new, but those things end up becoming free updates. I dunno, i feel like its them trying to do their best to improve the game (on top of the whole laundry list and stuff) and i appreciate that they're doing it in a way that feels like EA can't get upset at LMAOO (thats totally me just speculating though)

  12. I really appreciate you and your channel. I never have time to catch the livestream, and I don't have a twitter. You're always so quick with the news!
    (internet hug)

  13. I've been saying that I think they are moving in the right direction, slowly, but its moving in the right direction. This is a step in the right direction definitely. Like you said, if it works, which I think it will 🙂

    Cottage Living LP For The Win…I know, I know LPs are dead and don't do as well, thought I'd still give it a shot 🙂 lol

  14. Hi Erin! I've always had some ideas for your channel that you may like to consider doing. Here are some that I can think of right now:

    1. CC / Mods showcase + CC Lookbooks?
    To be quite honest I never really watch any CC showcase or lookbooks, but I believe you use Maxis Match CC yes? If you're the one making it, I would love to watch it! Also doing mod showcase would also fit perfectly for your channel I think. So far I think you just went for a quick overview, but if we can see you try it in-game, then I think it would be very lovely 😊

    2. Quirky Random Videos?
    HA! This one, I have to admit, I am surprisedly very interested when you showed a few of your random videos or builds from the past, like the Duck Build lol. Honestly for me personally, I would really love to see you do more of this kind of random videos in the future, be it a build, a cas, or even some random gameplay or challenge. (For random gameplay or challenge, I suggest maybe keep it short, like an episode, for TS4, because as we know, TS4 is very predictable so I may or may not get bored, but just so you know it's because of the game, not because of your personality Erin ❤)

    3. More Sims 3 vids!
    I think this might be because I start playing TS3 again, but I'm desperately craving and looking for more TS3 contents. I believe there are a lot of content creators still doing TS2 gameplay, but I don't think TS3 that much. And also especially seeing how you love TS3 the most out of all in the franchise, I would definitely love to see you doing a let's play. This is coming from a person who does not usually watch a let's play on a frequent day to day basis. But knowing and following you for a long time, I know that I'm going to love it just from your personality!

    Maybe you can try to do a poll in your community tab to see whether other subs are interested or not? If majority voted for no, it would still be fine for me, I just love to see other sides of you. Have a pleasant day Erin! 😊

  15. I'm very glad to hear that group cooking and gardening are coming to base game updates. Also, very relieved that the gardening one is really coming. Pretty sure a lot of us were still questioning about that one really happening or not. I also really like you realistic approach and view on the group cooking ha! Let's admit it, it's gonna bring a bug or two in some form lol.

  16. Can there be better hairstyles for black people? Like most of the damn hairstyles they have, isn't what all black people wear. I am not even trying to be mean. But most of the damn black hairstyles black girls rarely wear their here like that, they need to add more braids and better natural hair for female's.

  17. I'm excited for group cooking and gardening! I love it when there's more things for children to do! Also makes gardening easier when you have adult sims trying to manage a family. Just having something that basically gives children a chore to do to take some pressure off the adults and hopefully saves time.

  18. It’s okay to bring more diversity and representation but I’d like to see more different types of hairstyles brought into the base game and not just Afros

  19. The good thing is that now I can have like all five of my sim kids water the garden in less amount of time while my sim sits back and relaxes. 😂

    On a more serious note, I’m getting worried about all the new actions that are being piled on in a game that has so many broken features. I’m terrified they are never going to address the main issue – the glitches!

  20. 7:50 I think it would be cool to do a video on new worlds would you like to for the destination, destination worlds that are missing. I also think a discussion on new features or items that should be updates for preexisting packs that are missing and won’t fit into other themes. E.g hammocks for island living, more couple interaction like slow dance and holding hands for romantic gardens.

  21. I too have very little Mods or CC in my game, I have one type of Skin CC, though I do have what I guess is more of a mod, which is a Maxis match skin to give detail to female Sims when using the No Censor mod, if you know what I mean!

    I also have Mc Commander, and some varies pre-made face and body types and a few extra sliders for the face and body!

    I use no CC at all for build/buy mode and of course no CC clothes, hair or makeup or anything else in CAS other then the above things I mentioned!

    I feel the game has plenty of items in CAS and build/buy mode that I don't need CC!

    Funny thing is I never went without CC or with the other Sims games, recently I went back to play a bit of TS2, but felt I needed some CC and mods to make it better, but I don't really feel I need to use much with TS4, in fact I could easily just go with having only Mc Commander only, and still enjoy the game!

    One of the things I didn't like about The Sims 3 was that it was harder to mod, so we didn't have as much CC or Mods as we had in TS2 or TS4 or even TS1 for that matter, which was one of the reason I could never really say I like it more the The Sims 4, like others have said, but then I can't totally say that about TS2 even, because there are certain things about TS4 that are so important to me, that I can't really say that I like any of the others over it completely!

    I mean there are things I would love to take from all 3 of the previous games and put in TS4, but I wouldn't totally say I prefer those other 3 games to The Sims 4!

    Sure there are a lot of things about TS4 that I don't like, mostly things that are needed and some things having to do with building more than anything else, but I still like it a bit more then even TS2 which I like better then TS1 and TS3, I just think TS4 needs to do a few things to improve it, and I don't mean making a it an open world, because that would be impossible now!

    But there are a lot of things they could add to the game from the last two games that would improve on the game, that also could be done easily, but I'm not going to go into that here, my post is long enough, sorry!

  22. Hi Erin! How has your week been going? Thank you for both patch notes videos! I purposely didn't tune into the Livestream because I literally thought to myself 'nah, Erin will cover it of it's interesting'. Lol have a great rest of your week girl! 🥰🥰

  23. I love that my families I imagined cooking together (especially Italian, Greek, and Hispanic families) will be able to do so. Toddlers talking to plants sounds adorable. The hair while not a perfect match looks like mine if I don’t define my curls so this whole July update has me v excited 😆

  24. I'm all for more activities for kids! I hope we eventually get some afterschool activities – I know there is the scouting club and drama club, but it would be nice to have a couple other activities for kids to do!


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