Kids’s Exercise Books (Child’s Superior Exercise Ebook & The Large Play and Study)

Homeschool momma of two boys who’re at the moment in Kindergarten and third grade.
I need to share books and actions that we’re utilizing for our homeschool journey!
We’re homeschoolers in Tokyo.

-The Large Play and Study by Pascale Estellon An imaginative exercise guide designed to develop essential childhood expertise.
A consumable guide crammed with stickers, doodling, and drawing enjoyable.
Bought from Y2,354 – $22.02

-The Children Superior Exercise Ebook by Mike Lowery Pure interactive enjoyable guide! It has video games, drawing, quizzes, and crafts!
Filled with lovely and funky llustration. Comes with 400 stickers and a wall poster!!
Bought from Y1,788 | $16.73

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