The Lady Who Collects Cockroaches | My Child's Obsession

9 12 months outdated Shelby collects cockroaches, and has so many who she retains them in her bed room, her brother’s bed room, the laundry room, and even the storage.

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25 thoughts on “The Lady Who Collects Cockroaches | My Child's Obsession”

  1. As a girl who collected spiders in tanks and had that love squashed for it being out of the norm for my gender and is finally recovering it back in my late 20's, I can't help but see a bit of myself in this little girl and I appreciate her and her passion so much.

  2. It's disgusting when she kiss the cockroaches not only disgusting cockroaches are bad for our health as disgusting as it sounds cockroaches shed tiny bit of dust from their body and this dust is an ellergen that can provoke or worsen symptoms of asthma it's dangerous 😟

  3. What made her like roaches? And she ain't scared about having thousands of them roaming in her room and I'm fighting for my life to kill that one roach in my bedroom 😐🤦💀

  4. This poor little girl is never going to have a real friend or a relationship I can guarantee it until she's maybe 30 and she meets the boy version of her now she will probably be very intelligent and go to college and make all kinds of money breeding cockroaches or something weird but she might bring the apocalypse by sending cockroaches with bombs into places who knows


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