We Made Youngsters Toys Further Harmful

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38 thoughts on “We Made Youngsters Toys Further Harmful”

  1. Normally when I think a channel is kind of riding another channels style or gimmick, whatever, I don’t like it.

    But I’ll take more I did a thing type science channels any day, This is awesome!

  2. When I was 13 we played with air rifles, bows and arrows, and eight foot long 2” diameter bamboo as swords. And then we attacked each other. Every day for over a year. No injuries except pellets and arrows in our legs, and bruised knuckles, and elbows. And did our parents ever complain or make nonsense safety noises -yes once when I struck a neighbour between the eyes with a small thrown lump of dirt. Which didn’t even bruise her. Just startled her because she was too busy whacking an eight year old with her sword. But she ran home to mommy and never mentioned that she had been picking on a smaller opponent. She might have had a real complaint had I thrown the rock I considered before picking up the clay.

    Kids need danger so they learn that hurt is something to avoid. Too many learn life hurts the first time they crash their car. That’s far too late to be effective or truly safe.

  3. My friends and me played with the old suction cup dart guns. I used to paint thin needles the color of the darts and push them in the middle eye first and embed it just enought that you cant see it but when it flattens against your skin you get like a 4mm long needle poke. Feltmlike getting stuck with a tack but much thinner.

  4. 2:04 poor Iron Man got hit in the nuts by a car
    2:11 oh Iron Man no he is having a bad day
    5:05 looks like Iron Man ate something spicy or put a rocket up is butt
    5:30 🎶 I dance dance dance 🎶 with my hands hands hands 🎶 above my head head head 🎶
    5:35 IRON USED FLAME tougher uhhh ironman that's the wrong end


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