Joe Rogan Expertise #2135 – Neal Brennan

Neal Brennan is a stand-up comedian, actor, author, director, and host of the podcast “Blocks.” Catch his new particular, “Neal Brennan: Loopy Good,” on Netflix.


30 thoughts on “Joe Rogan Expertise #2135 – Neal Brennan”

  1. The development of the hypothalamus memory formation they're not really like there until they're about two

    Oh that's the dad terminate the pregnancy fourth trimester abortions

  2. Joe: You can't trust studies saying flouride is ok, who are those people?

    Also Joe: A few studies said it's a toxin, so I'm going to call it a toxin moving forward.

  3. In 2021, a study from Spain found that mothers' prenatal fluoride exposure was associated with higher cognitive scores in boys at age 4, not lower. There was no difference in girls' IQ.

  4. The amount of double edged comments and jabs this clown gives Joe in regards to politics or world issues is insane. This is probably one of the douchiest humans I’ve ever listened to in my life

  5. THE DOSAGE MAKES THE POISON. None of us will ever ingest enough fluoride via drinking water to become remotely dangerous. PERIOD. At this point if you're still crying about fluoride in the water in 2024 you just sound dumb. Shoot, that sounded dumb in 2004.

  6. I love when people question Joe cynically cause there’s time Rogan can literally just babble on with not that much logic. And I know he know this is what pays him the big bucks. He acts like he don’t care but that way of thinking and information he goes off on a tangent about every other ep is how he gets the foil hats people hooked.
    2. Conspiracies
    3. MMA
    5. Science
    Top 5 things that got his pod poppin

  7. I'm so sick of people who know nothing about drugs talking about Floyd's murder. Whats a lethal dose of fent to somebody who doesn't take drugs has absolutely nothing to do with somebody who is an opiate addict. A fent addict can take 10 times the lethal dose for somebody who's not an addict and not even be that high. When you take a lethal dose of fent you just die you got 60 seconds your body shuts down and your dead. There's no taking a lethal dose and your walking around and a hour later you overdose and die. You die immediately. If he took a lethal dose of fent for him he would be fucking dead right away. There would be no walking around fighting with cops. He would have been found dead. In fact your bodies heart rate slows down your body relaxes and you can actually deal with having less oxygen. He was fucking choked to death and murdered. You don't take a lethal dose and be living how fucking retarded is that? If he wasn't found dead then he didn't have a lethal dose make sense? You just drop dead when you take a lethal dose you don't even have time to call 911 or even realize you took to much. The drug enters your body and boom your dead. If he took a lethal dose they would have found him dead.peoples ignorance of the subject is ridiculous people just don't want to admit that 4 cops killed him. There would be no resisting arrest if you take a lethal dose you go unconscious immediately and are dead with 2 minutes from lack of oxygen and the entire time your blacked out you don't even realize your dying no moving no talking no nothing dead. Just use your brain the man took a lethal dose but was found living 😂 nonsense.

  8. Liberty is the answer. Life is full of unknowns, partial knowns, partial controversial, etc. And no two people are identical. We have different tastes, thoughts, preferences, biases, phobias, agendas, motives, histories, etc. So don't use government force and let people decide for their own lives so long as they aren't directly harming the rights of others. Potential abuse isn't a crime as all of life is potentially abusive. Live and let live. Liberty is more important than safety or a slave's life.

  9. I Remember years ago asking a Pharmacist what syrup should I use to get rid of my cough/cold. Pharmacist said, that cough syrup is suppose to relax the symptoms of a cough/cold. I then asked how does relaxing symptom of cough/cold directly gets rid of a cold. He replied, it doesn't; the real medicine was sleep, thats all, thats why they use sleeping agent in syrups. I then said so a cough syrup is like using a pain reliever when you severed your hand; it doesn't take care of the main problem, it only numbs the pain temporary, thinking that it'll somehow my had will reattach itself. He said Yup. Get to sleep, lots of sleep. And if you cant shake off the cold, you need go to a doctor to get antibiotics. I haven't had cough syrup for decades.


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